Protect Families From the Global Hunger Crisis in Cambodia

21 million children are facing starvation.

Understand The Problem

Global Hunger Crisis

In our world today, more than enough food is produced to feed the global population -but there is approximately 828 million people that are still living in poverty. As of today world hunger in back on the rise affecting nearly 10% of people globally.

Before the increase, the world was making progress in reducing hunger. In 2000, global leaders joined the UN and civil society, committing to meet 8 goals by 2015: the first was to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.

In 2019 to 2022 the number of malnourished people grew to as many as 150 million, mostly driven by conflict, climate change and Covid-19.

PlantWaterGrow Cambodia

The Power of Water

Water is life. Jesus says “but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

Water connects every aspect of life. Access to safe water and sanitation can turn problems into solutions. With access to clean water and sanitation you encourage people with time for school and work, and contributing to improved health for mothers, fathers, children, and families globally.


Food Packages Handed Out

Helping Today

We Help the Helpless. One Child, One Family, One Community at a Time.

At Plant Water Grow we believe a simple act of kindness can lead to a spiritual invitation of eternal life with Jesus.

Today we support selected families enrolled in our Family Care Program (FCP) to receive monthly Food Packages such as rice and other necessity goods. Each family is assed carefully and thoroughly before being enrolled in the program.

Our Goals for our Familly Care Program are :

  • Seeing families changed by the love of God
  • To build strong families by helping families discover how they can be self sustaining.
  • See children return to school

3 Ways You Can Help Fight Poverty

With your help, we’re responding to families in Cambodia that are in poverty. We take pleasure knowing that

Support a Family

Your monthly donation can help a family in Cambodia build a healthy, whole and lasting future through access to essentials like:

Water Projects

Your one-time donation or monthly support can provide life-saving water resources for kids and families.

Pray for Us

Your prayers for kids and families affected by the global poverty crisis can and will  work miracles. Please pray for:

Helping Today

We’re Helping People in Need in Cambodia

  • Healthy Food

    Millions of people have not enough food in Cambodia, so we're working to feed the hungry.

  • Clean Water

    Our goal is to supply clean water to people in Cambodia who can not access to safe water.

Frequently Asked Questions

We Need Your Help

Why was Plant Water Grow set up?

Plant Water Grow was founded by Jasiel Ross from Toronto, Canada. For the past 5+ years Jasiel has been residing Siem Reap, Cambodia volunteering his time at various NGO’s in Cambodia. After 5 years of service God put on Jasiel’s heart to write the vision and start Plant Water Grow a Christian based organization that thrives to see healthy functional families changed and transformed.

What is your mission?

Plant Water Grow is a global unification of Christian Believers that exists to provide aid to families and individuals overtaken by poverty, access to nutritious food and safe drinking water by providing resources pertaining to their needs.

Who do you help?

We help underprivileged families and children in Cambodia from poor backgrounds. Our typical family looks like : parents have no education, children have no education in some cases working with their parents, low income.

Why do you choose to help them?

We believe that, regardless of where someone was born, everyone should have access to basic needs of living in order to live a happy, sustainable, healthy, productive life God intended us to have.

How can i raise fund for poor people ?

We have many campaigns to support people living in the poverty. If you love to raise fund for them, contact with us to know more details about campaigns dedicated to the poor.

  • Let’s Give us your Helping Hand

How are you funded?

We do not receive any national government funding and so rely entirely on donations and grants to keep our programs running. As with many charities, we are always looking for new partners who can help us meet our costs and continue to grow.

Can I become a volunteer?

Thank you for asking! We rely on a supportive team of regular volunteers and often have openings. Just send us a message.

How to make a donation to your site?

It is not hard to make a donation right on the site. You only need to choose one of our campaigns that you love, then fill some important information in a form.

Helping them today


Support a Family in Need

About Us

Plant Water Grow is a Christian organization that helps aid children and families provides resources. We exist to share the love of Jesus and are committed to teaching and building families and communities how to be self sustaining.


We are in Cambodia


We plant in communities and villages the require growth


We strategically provide resources pertaining to families needs


God will continue to Grow the rest

Contact With Us

    Join the Helpers Group


    Plant Water Grow is a Canadian Registered organization that helps aid children and families provides resources


    Support families and children in Cambodia by donating. Your contribution can make a significant difference in their lives.